20 January 2014

Big Plans for Twenty Fourteen!

It's hard to believe we are almost a month into 2014 already! I have so much I want to accomplish this year I better get a move on! So far I have already got our new logo, new packaging and I am prepping for Martinborough Fair!

Here are a few other things I want to do this year in no particular order....
  1. Go on a buying trip to Auckland.
  2. Buy a DSLR camera.
  3. Re-stock the website.
  4. Keep blogging on a regular basis.
  5. Do more markets further afield.
  6. Re-open the Etsy Shop
  7. Have better time management
  8. Quit my addiction to caramel lattes.
  9. Travel more
  10. Take more photos
  11. Meet more bloggers and small business people.
  12. Update my wardrobe
  13. Get a funky haircut
  14. Get out the sewing machine more.
  15. Read more
  16. See more live music
  17. Spend more time with friends
  18. Renovate my daughters bedroom
  19. Buy more shoes
  20. Buy more handbags
  21. Spend more quality time with my family (we already spend heaps of time together but I can't get enough!)
  22. Be more organised!! 
  23. Have more faith in myself.
  24. Achieve my business goals.
  25. Volunteer more.
  26. Expand my cooking repertoire.
What are some of the things on your list for this year? 

Robin x

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