Here are our top picks for a Pretty In Pink wedding...
Pink Empress Bouquet made by Vintage Spice Unique Bouquets and Accessories made with new and vintage pieces perfect for any bride!
These super cute mini bottles with possibly a pink lemonade or a yummy pink cocktail are sure to be a hit!
I love these pink and navy invitations with a peek of chevron which is so on trend at the moment!
Isn't this the cutest dress ever!! I'm a huge fan of Rock'n'Roll, this dress would be great as a wedding dress or even for your maids and it is such a flattering cut for most shapes!
Yummy! A pink themed candy buffet would be perfection especially with this pink rock candy!
Love this pink ombre dress!!
And sparkly pink shoes, by who? Well its got to be Christian Louboutin!
Having a pink wedding doesn't have to be tacky it can be incredibly elegant and sophisticated if its done right.
Robin xx
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whereon earth are those mini bottles from? i have been looking all over and cannot find them!!