12 January 2014

Shoe Wish List!

Over on Crazy Mother Crafter I showed you 3 pairs of "sensible shoes". Easy to wear practical 'chasing around after kids' shoes! 
But that is just way to sensible and a girl can dream right! So here are my top pics for luxury, expensive shoes that I would have no use for but would look so pretty in my bedroom! 

Brought to you from the amazing Kate Spade I adore these! I have no idea what I would wear them with let alone where I would wear them to but aren't they gorgeous! At $328USD they really aren't too bad for a pair of designer shoes!


A few years ago I found a picture of a pair of green Jimmy Choo shoes in a magazine, I ripped out the page and pinned it to the wall. I will own a pair of Jimmy Choo's they are just so beautiful and far more comfortable than other brands of designer shoes! I love these nude pumps with a touch of gold no good for NZ though with all of our unpredictable weather you can't get these babies wet! 

These boots make my heart flutter! How adorable are these! Of course I had to include a pair of Christian Louboutin's. While sadly these will probably never be in my wardrobe a girl can dream right! 

Do you have a shoe wish list? Share it with me on your blog and post a link in the comments!

Robin x

P.S pop over to Crazy Mother Crafter to veiw our top picks for affordable footwear! 

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