27 December 2013

2013 in a Walnut Shell

This year has been a bit of a blur, I remember this time last year feeling overwhelmed and super excited about 2013. Having just booked my first Martinborough Fair and Auckland's Grand Wedding Show I felt really out of my depth and doubting whether or not I could actually pull it off!
But I did, I managed to pull it all off with most of my sanity remaining.

2013 was huge in all areas of my life not just professional but personal too, we brought our first home in April, complete with a 2 room studio out the back for me to work out of! I had grown out of the tiny spare bedroom I had been working in and my work seemed to be taking over the entire house- other crafters out there will know what I am talking about!
I also began attending Playcentre with my daughter and have since been elected President  which is a huge honor but also another thing I must shuffle! I have continued to watch my darling daughter grow up before my eyes, at almost 3 she is a real character and a total mini me!

It still remains a big juggling act between the business and my family, I actually missed my first wedding anniversary because I was out of town for work which is disappointing but I am really lucky to have such a supportive husband! I'm telling myself one day I will get the balance between work/home just perfect!

This year has seen me launch the new website www.vintage-spice.com complete with online store (which is down for maintenance over the holidays). I have been to more fairs, markets and shows than ever before and have been busier than the year before which is always a plus! I have been continuing to blog, however rather sporadically due to time management.

2014 I have big plans, this is the first year I will actually have a plan and a direction. I'm not spilling any secrets just yet but it is going to be awesome! I hope you all follow along with me.

Robin x

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