8 January 2013

What I want for 2013

So we all know that New Years resolutions are hardly ever kept so I'm calling this 'What I want for 2013' instead.
This year there are a few things that I want for myself as I have spent the last 2 years focusing on my family and almost completely forgetting about the things that I want and ways that I want to improve myself so here goes....

Believe in me.....

I like to think of myself as a glass half full kind of person but I can tend to doubt myself and my abilities at times. I have this great ability to make a decision think its great and then step back and think actually can i really do this???
So this year I shall believe in me! Not second guess myself and take opportunities that are presented to me!!

Yes its here, the same goal 90% of people probably have...

I want to be more healthy! Yes loosing weight is part of that but I'm looking at the bigger picture I want to be healthy so my family is healthy, I want to set a good example for my daughter and give her the right tools to make healthy decisions when she is older.
Part of that is educating myself about food, I once said to a friend that the only spices I grew up with as a child was salt and pepper! Which is totally true I grew up in a meat and 3 veg house so I have a lot to learn about food and nutrition!

Remembering the little moments...

We always remember the big events that make our years special, the weddings, birthdays, big trips etc. I want to remember the little ones too!
Take more photos, write little journal entries, leave notes, more blog posts!
This way at the end of this year I don't look back and say sheesh where did this year go? I will have lots of reminders about all the good little things that made this year special!

Grow the business....

More products, more customers, more blog posts, and who knows what else may come this year for Vintage Spice. I'm not a big planner so forecasting and projections have never been a strong point!
I plan on blogging more because I have found I actually love it!! Network with other bloggers and business owners and generally having fun blogging, marketing and running my business!

Get Organised....

This is a big one for me I tend to work in a scene of organised chaos which is great for my creative process but not so good for everything else! I have a small spare bedroom which I have converted into my work room. Its so tiny that organisation is very important! So far I have organised most of my buttons (there are thousands so this is an ongoing job) into colour specific containers might I add they are also labelled!
I also organised my fabrics into plastic draws, and all of my bow stock into specific containers so it is much easier to see stock levels and pack for markets.
Next to organise in my work room is my vintage linen, some of which I may look at destashing, all of my photos which I have started to put into albums but that too is a huge ongoing task! Next will be my paints and and all of my folders and such!
Along with the rest of the house of course!
When I'm done I will post some photos of what the super organised work room looks like!
Happy 2013 lovely people I hope it is good to you! If you have a blog please comment below so I can check it out!
Robin xx

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