10 November 2012

The not so big proposal??

Step 1: The Proposal

So traditionally speaking when a potential suitor would like your hand in marriage he would first go to you father ask permission, choose his potential Bride-to-Be's engagement ring, then in some planned and choreographed romantic gesture get down on one knee, profess his love for you and ask you to be his bride. The bride would gush with surprise, cry and accept the ring, they embrace and wedding planning would start immediately.
Ok so lets face it as little girls this is probably how we all imagined it to be and how our Ken dolls proposed to Barbie. Right? But is this how it always happens now?
In my case as I'm sure many others this was not the case, if anything it was the exact opposite.
Our "proposal" like many others I'm sure began with a conversation between my now Husband and I. This conversation consisted of us both agreeing we wanted to get married, questioning if we could afford it and if it was the right time to be taking that next step in our relationship.

Asking for permission:

When it comes to asking the brides father for permission this was done because the bride was considered to belong to her father. While i think it is a lovely gesture I didn't think it was necessary in my situation. I was 18 at the time and my Husband was 23, we had already been together for a few years and had lived together during that time as well. My husband and my dad got along like a house on fire from day 1 and if my dad had an issue with my then partner he would have spoken up already!
Yet another thing that I love about marriage now its you and your future spouse's decision and your

Shopping for the ring:

Usually this would be the grooms job, he may take someone with him for a second opinion
maybe a best man or a sister. He would choose a ring maybe take one of your rings into the jeweller to get the sizing right and cross his fingers that you loved it enough to wear it.
Again this is not what happened in my case.
After we had mutually agreed that we wanted get married we went to have a "look" at rings so he could get an idea of what I liked, well I feel in love didn't I. I found the most amazing engagement ring in a small manufacturing jeweller, it was exactly what I could see myself wearing for the rest of my life.
We looked some more but kept going back to the same ring we both knew it was "The One". It wasn't the biggest or the most expensive, it was modest, classic in design, practical to wear every day and totally me.

The not so big proposal:

Well a proposal as such didn't really happen, I knew he had picked up the ring from the jewellers and I couldn't contain my excitement and he knew that so he just gave it to me, simple as that. He gave me the ring and I put it on and we were engaged, I didn't hurry to the phone or heaven forbid Facebook to tell everybody we were engaged we just enjoyed the moment for ourselves.
While some wish for this huge public event to be swept off their feet, this has never been us and I didn't want to put that kind of pressure on my Husband. It may not be your ideal for a proposal but it was perfect for me.
What do you think should a proposal be a quiet affair between those involved or a spectacular event with fireworks and a yacht?

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