13 November 2012

Saving the Date...

So once you've settled on the ring its time to choose the date, there are a lot of things to consider when you choose the date of your wedding such as,


Do you want a garden wedding outdoors? Or a chilly winter wonderland wedding where everyone can cosy up in front of the fire at your reception. Its great to think of your theme when your choosing the date of your wedding.


Is there a time of year which is out of the question? In our house it would be duck shootings opening weekend half of my husbands family wouldn't attend our wedding including him! It could be a time of year when everyone is travelling or is just a messy time of year like Christmas.

Wedding Season:

In New Zealand wedding season is from late October to early March, during these times it can be hard to find vendors if you don't get in early and it may mean having to compromise on some of the things that are most important to you. If you are planning on having your wedding in the peak of wedding season book long in advance to secure things like venues, photographers and celebrants.

Show me the money:

Are you going to be able to pay for your wedding in time? This is a scary thought for most brides but it is necessary to think about. If you have the funds saved before you start planning and setting your date you are much better off but if you intend on saving whilst planning your wedding just be prepared for other things to pop up that you may have to pay for.

Planning Time:

How long do you think you will need to plan your wedding? The average is about a year planning time but some people start planning 2 years or even more out from there day, this has the potential to both save you money or cost you a whole lot more!
It could save you money by having a lot of time to look around and find the best prices for everything but it may cost you a whole lot more if you decide to change your mind. The wedding I wanted 2 years ago was definitely not the wedding I wanted when i got married.
On the other hand you get these crazy people (like yours truly) that decide at a whim there wedding date, ours was when we were once again being pestered by family when we were finally going to get married so I just blurted out a date and we started planning. It is possible to plan a wedding in a couple of months but again there are pros and cons. On the positive you are made to make decisions quickly, you cant muck around, you don't waste time trying on 1000 wedding dresses after you've found the one you like just to make sure it is the one, and you cant change your mind therefore saving you money.
Negatively there isn't much time to sort out the smallest details that you would like and compromise is key when it comes to planning a wedding in a short time- you may not get your first choice on photographer or venue and you may have to settle with an off the rack dress because they cant get anything else in or made in time, you also may not have time to find the best deal on everything so things may be a little more costly.
The key to planning a wedding in a short time is delegate! Things may not be exactly how you would have done them but sometimes its the only way to get them done in time!
All things considered enjoy the planning process you are only going to do it once and remember that when things start to get on top of you. I found it really helpful to set 1 night aside every week where my husband and I would not talk about the wedding this night helped to remind us why we were getting married when the planning got very intense!
Robin xx

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