19 February 2013

February Favorite- Mint Green

I find myself attracted to this colour! In the past couple of months I have brought an iPad case, a dress, earrings, cardi, jeans and a couple of rings all in mint green! 
I'm not sure what it is about this colour right now but I am loving it!! 

Here are some other mint green things I would love to own!

I love this, the lace, the full skirt! Right up my alley I found it Here

Green Lemonade? Ok! 
I found these Here

Green and gold decor, I will definitely be keeping this in mind for renovation projects!
Found Here

This coat is too beautiful for words I have to have it!! 
Image via Pinterest.

There are so many other things I would love in this colour just give me one of everything!! 

Robin xx 


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