28 November 2012

Heading to the big smoke!

With Vintage Spice being a very new project for me I never really had a plan as to where I wanted to go with it, silly I know to go in with out a concrete business plan but I have never been the planning type!
So anyway I get a phone call a few months ago when I had only been operating a couple months from the lovely Sue at The Grand Wedding Show asking me to be apart of their show!
I had to pass on the September even with it being only a few weeks away at the time she called so I asked her to give me a call when they started planning the next event in April 2013. Thinking that I would never get in to such an event I didn't give it every much thought. Until last week when Sue called me again saying that there was 1 spot and she wanted me to be in it, with 30 companies also wanting that spot she gave me the weekend to think it over.
I went through the pros and cons over and over in my head, why I should, why I shouldn't.
I really couldn't make up my mind, my deadline was 12pm Monday to let her know at 10am I still hadn't decided!
Then I thought to myself..
  1. You only live once.
  2. Its only money.
  3. Its a great experience.
  4. Either way it will be a great weekend away up in Auckland.
  5. My Sister-In-Law lives up there so I have saved on accommodation right??
  6. It's a great way to network with other people in the industry as well as reconnect with some of the people I have 'met' online.
  7. What an awesome opportunity!!!
So I thought lets do it!!!!!!
Its an amazing feeling when you have people admiring your work, believing in what you are doing and appreciating the work you put in.
I never thought my little dream would present me with so many amazing opportunities in so little time and I feel very humbled and appreciative of all the people who have helped my business so far, my friends, family, Facebook followers, blog readers and of course my amazing Husband who for some reason believes in everything I do!
I thought I would document my journey to The Grand Wedding Show if you would all like to see??
Maybe even a vlog when it comes time to pack my bags and head to the big smoke??
I'm now ordering up a storm so I can get in enough materials to make a ton of bouquets, headpieces, garters and other accessories. Not to mention the 4 other markets I have between now and then!!!!
I will update the blog as much as possible in the coming months <3
Robin xx

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